A QueryStrategy for legacy Javadocs.




LastParenthesisRegex: RegExp = ...

Matches the content of the last set of parentheses in a string, including the parentheses.

LastSpaceRegex: RegExp = ...

Matches the last space in a string.

NoBreakSpaceRegex: RegExp = ...

Matches a non-breaking space character (Unicode \u00A0).

SuperClassesExtendsRegex: RegExp = ...

Matches the classes extended by a class declaration, capturing them as 'superClasses', stopping at 'implements' or end of line.


  • Legacy Javadocs don't have classes for each field, instead they're in the format:

    <h3>Field Detail</h3>
    <a name="<prototype>"></a>
    <ul class="blockList">
    // actual table data
    // ... and so on

    Here we try to work around this issue by manipulating the HTML, adding a div that wraps each pair, and then selecting those divs.


    • $object: CheerioAPI

    Returns Cheerio<Element>

  • Legacy Javadocs don't have classes for each method, instead they're in the format:

    <h3>Method Detail</h3>
    <a name="<prototype>"></a>
    <ul class="blockList">
    // actual table data
    // ... and so on

    Here we try to work around this issue by manipulating the HTML, adding a div that wraps each pair, and then selecting those divs.


    • $object: CheerioAPI

    Returns Cheerio<Element>