Interface FieldData<Parent>

Data for a Java field.

interface FieldData<Parent extends ClassData | InterfaceData | null> {
    accessModifier: AccessModifier;
    deprecation: null | DeprecationContent;
    description: null | NodeContent;
    entityType: "field";
    id: string;
    inheritedFrom: Parent;
    modifiers: Modifier[];
    name: string;
    signature: string;
    type: string;
    url: string;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)


accessModifier: AccessModifier

The field's access modifier.

deprecation: null | DeprecationContent

The field's deprecation notice, if any.

This property is always present if the field is deprecated, regardless of whether it the notice any description or not.

description: null | NodeContent

The entity's description, if any.

entityType: "field"

The entity's type.

id: string

The entity's unique id (relative to others in the same context). Used as key in collections.


  • In classes, enums, interfaces, external objects and annotations: the qualifiedName.
  • In packages, enum constants, fields, method type parameters, object type parameters and parameters: the name.
  • In methods: the prototype, to avoid conflicts with overloaded methods.
inheritedFrom: Parent

The parent from where this field was inherited, if any.

modifiers: Modifier[]

The field's modifiers.

name: string

The entity's name.

signature: string

The entity's signature.

type: string

The field's type.

url: string

The field's Javadocs URL.